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Seeking Partners - Gaelic Postcard exchange? - Language Exchange

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Discussion: Gaelic Postcard exchange?

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Gaelic Postcard exchange?
Hàlo! Gaelic postcard exchange?!? Thòisich mi ag ionnsachadh gàidhlig mu choig bhliadhnaichean air ais a-nis agus tha mi a' cleachdadh cainnt gach seachdain. Now, I am looking for someone to practice my writing and bad grammar with. I would love to chat with beginners and proficient folk alike. I LIKE: biking, boardgames, crafts, nature, languages, baking & much more. I would love to share recipes, stories, ideas, radio program or movie suggestions, etc. in gaelic. Even if you only want to exchange one or two scribblings with me or if your Gaelic is not that good, I would love to hear about Gaelic in your neck of the woods anyway!

Language pair: English; Gaelic (Scottish)
April 30, 2014


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