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Teacher Training/Teaching Abroad - practis english, korean, malayalam and egypt - Language Exchange

Category: Teacher Training/Teaching Abroad
Discussion: practis english, korean, malayalam and egypt

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# Message Posted By
practis english, korean, malayalam and egypt
Hello I'm a teacher, i can help you mastery indonesia, but i need to practise and learning about korean, egypt, english and malayalam. Let's study and practise with me

Language pair: Malayalam; Korean

October 17, 2016

Re: practis french
Hi, my name is Clara i'm 18 years old
I practise french but i want practise english
Could you correct my mistakes please ?

Language pair: French; English
This is a reply to message # 227358

October 28, 2016

Re: practis french
- How did you become famous ?

It's a rather original story..
It was a weekend, more exactly on a Saturday.
I was the bridesmaid at my brother's marriage, therefore i prepared a short speech.
Until then nothing ordinary, however i realized during the marriage that my speech was too much serious for the person i am ; So i have decided to improvise and adapt this one.
A casting director was invited and decided to give me the role of the main character of his comedy film entitled : Josephine
I continued my last year of high school and obtained my baccalaureat Technical Science Laboratory with mention.
Thanks to my first role that was a success, many roles were opened to me, so i stopped my studies at nineteen years old to become the actress that i am today.

- Describe your life of celebrity

That makes five years ago now that i am a comedian and two years ago that i am an humorist.
I shoot one movie every year and the rest of the year i make an international tour of my show, this year my new show is entitled « One Woman Show »
It's true that stress is very intense but i got used to it.
Subsequently, i decided to become my own director in order to create a context around my comic stories.

Language pair: Malayalam; Korean
This is a reply to message # 227358

October 28, 2016

Re:Re: practis french
Bonsoir ,je vient de voir votre annonce je serais très ravie de corresponds avec vous si vous le désiré? Moi je suis très intérresé de pouvoir dialoguer avec une personne qui pratique l'anglais, j'espère que vous serez d'accord de converser avec moi . En ce moment j'apprends via une application qui s'appelle ,play for your news langage ,il me manque la pratique au plaisir de vous lire ,nous pourrons aussi dialoguer via une application qui vous conviendra le mieux

Language pair: French; English
This is a reply to message # 227498

November 7, 2016


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