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Club Library - Translations of Vocabulary, Common Phrases, Slang and Expressions (Idioms)

The club library is a collection of the public notes from all of our members' notepads. As members learn new vocabulary, slang and expressions during language exchange practice, they may record them in their own member's notepad. They can choose to share each note by marking it public.

You can use the club library as a learning or translation resource, similar to a multi-language dictionary. Please note that the contents of the club library are not reviewed for accuracy, so please use your jugdement when accepting these translations.

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English Aramaic By
hello/peace (western) shlomo Unknown
Vocabulary LOO-GHAA-TAA
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“Ha! What do we have to do with you, Jesus, you Nazarene? mah lan welak yeshuac nazraiyah1
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and I will make you into fishers for men wecved lekon çaidaiyah devney nashah
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Come after me ethun bathari
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Repent, and believe in the Good News. tuvu wehaimenun bevśorthah
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and the Kingdom of God is at hand! wematyath malkuthah deelahah
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The meat is blessed halall
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The time is fulfilled shlam leh zimnah
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in whom I am well pleased bak eçtebceth
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“You are my beloved Son at hu beri habibah
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but he will baptize you in the Holy Spirit. bram yeçvac lekon beruah qudshah
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