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Language > Portuguese
Category > Study Abroad

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Speak English
Hi! I'm from Brazil and I'm looking for somebody to speak English. I want to improve my speaking.

We can help each other speaking English or if you want I can teach you Portuguese.

Language pair: Portuguese; English
Diego M.
February 9, 2016

# Msgs: 2
Latest: February 14, 2016
Hi, I speak Portuguese fluently, and also learning English and German.
I can understand Spanish and teach Portuguese to native speakers english.

Language pair: Portuguese; English
Stela M.
October 10, 2015

# Msgs: 1

Re:Re:i need to practice English, and I can teach you Portuguese
Hi Nmesoma. I speak portuguese. I live in Brazil. Do you know some portuguese or nothing?

Language pair: Portuguese; English
September 24, 2015

# Msgs: 4
Latest: September 24, 2015
Re:Re:i need to practice English, and I can teach you Portuguese
Hi Nmesoma. I speak portuguese. I live in Brazil. Do you know some portuguese or nothing?

Language pair: Portuguese; English
September 24, 2015

# Msgs: 4
Latest: September 24, 2015
Olá Alicia. Podemos ajudar sim. Falo português. Veja. Não precisa ter vergonha.

Li o seu texto.

Em vez de "Chamo-me Alicia", use "Eu me chamo Alicia"

Em vez de "practicar", use "praticar"

Language pair: Portuguese; English
September 24, 2015

# Msgs: 6
Latest: September 24, 2015
Ola Ana,

Chamo-me Alicia e ha tres anos que estudo português. Como practico com pouca frequencia tenho bastante vergonha quando falo. Gostava de practicar mais e posso dá-ihe conselhos de como melhorar: livros,revistas, materias para escolhar etc.

A minha lingua materna e chinês mas tenho nível C1 em espanhol.

Escreva-me se tiveres tempo!!

Muito obrigada!

Alicia Gao

Language pair: Portuguese; English
September 12, 2015

# Msgs: 6
Latest: September 24, 2015
Ola Ana,

Chamo-me Alicia e ha tres anos que estudo português. Como practico com pouca frequencia tenho bastante vergonha quando falo. Gostava de practicar mais e posso dá-ihe conselhos de como melhorar: livros,revistas, materias para escolhar etc.

A minha lingua materna e chinês mas tenho nível C1 em espanhol.

Escreva-me se tiveres tempo!!

Muito obrigada!

Alicia Gao

Language pair: Portuguese; English
September 12, 2015

# Msgs: 6
Latest: September 24, 2015
Re:i need to practice English, and I can teach you Portuguese
Hi, I can speak English fluently. It might not be my native language but it is my country's lingua franca and I can speak it much better than my native language. In return, you teach me portugese

Language pair: Portuguese; English
Nmesoma O.
September 5, 2015

# Msgs: 4
Latest: September 24, 2015
i need to practice English, and I can teach you Portuguese
Hi, can you teach me English? I can teach you Portuguese

Language pair: Portuguese; English
Fernanda C.
August 31, 2015

# Msgs: 4
Latest: September 24, 2015
French for Portuguese
I´m from Brazil looking for a French partner to improve my skills. Someone there?

Language pair: French; Portuguese
Christa S.
January 17, 2015

# Msgs: 1

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