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Language > Polish
Category > Seeking Partners

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Re:Former English Teacher also native speaker English, seeks partner to learn Polish
Hej możemy porozmawiać ?

Language pair: English; Polish
Sebastian B.
April 11, 2022

# Msgs: 4
Latest: April 11, 2022
Potrzebuje pomocy w nauce języka Rosyjskiego
Cześć, chciałem nauczyć się rozmawiać w języku rosyjkim, mogę w zamian pomóc Ci w polskim lub poprostu miło spędzieć czas na rozmowie.

Language pair: Russian; Polish
July 22, 2021

# Msgs: 1

You Shook Me All Nigh* ****
Hi, I've been trying for some time to find someone to talk to and improve my English. I am from Poland and in return I would be happy to introduce you to Poland and help you learn the Polish language.

Language pair: English; Polish
April 2, 2021

# Msgs: 1

Re:Former English Teacher also native speaker English, seeks partner to learn Polish
Hi, are still looking for someone who can help you in polish?

Language pair: English; Polish
Ewa M.
February 14, 2021

# Msgs: 4
Latest: April 11, 2022
Not a gold member- Looking for a great language buddy!
Hello! I am re-learning Polish and would like extra help with speaking (mostly pronunciation) and a partner to keep me motivated. I do get tutoring once a week, but I think having another Polish speaker to talk to more often can help speed up my progress and can help me find interesting Polish shows, movies, books, etc. I am still beginner as I have lost most of the language due to not using for few years.
I am a native English and Spanish speaker as well.

Language pair: Polish; English
December 20, 2020

# Msgs: 1

Re:Former English Teacher also native speaker English, seeks partner to learn Polish
I live near Poland border, and speak Polish a bit( Belarus) May be you are being interested that.....

Language pair: English; Polish
Aliaksandr I.
December 19, 2020

# Msgs: 4
Latest: April 11, 2022
Looking for Polish Partner but I am Not a Gold Member
Hi I am Rhondi and I would like to Learn Polish. my First language is English. I'm not a gold member so I don't know how to get in contact. But I would like to try
Thank you

Language pair: English; Polish
Rhondi P.
December 18, 2020

# Msgs: 1

Former English Teacher also native speaker English, seeks partner to learn Polish
Hello, I learned some Polish over the years but still I am below intermediate, I need basic practice with a nice interesting person and I offer to help them with spoken english mostly. I taught English as native speaker (mainly conversation) about 12 years ago.

Please let me know if you would like to do exchange. I am interested in travel, culture, film, music, psychology, philosophy and many other things,


Language pair: English; Polish
December 6, 2020

# Msgs: 4
Latest: April 11, 2022
Polish isn't so hard as it looks! I can help you! I need to practice enghlish so we could chat and learning ! Please contact nr.

Language pair: Polish; English
Magdalena M.
November 18, 2020

# Msgs: 6
Latest: November 18, 2020
Re:Polish partner in Gdynia
Hi Miguel! I can help you in Polish please contact me. I would Like to improve my english so we can chat and learn. :)

Language pair: Spanish; Polish
Magdalena M.
November 18, 2020

# Msgs: 3
Latest: November 18, 2020
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