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Language > Slovak
Category > New Member

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Учу сам словацкий язык
Здравствуйте. Я Александр, живу в России, учу самостоятельно словацкий язык, хочу найти друга словак, чтобы поговорить с ним, закрепить практику. Всем спасибо.

Language pair: Slovak; Czech
August 15, 2020

# Msgs: 1

Looking for new friends
Hello everyone around the world, I am Victor by name from Chicago USA 48 years of age,
i need PenPals friends from Czech Republic and Slovakia Pen Pals from Slovakia and all over the world
I am very family-oriented. I am a versatile person. I
adore nature and animals. I'm cheerful and sociable guy. I can say that I am a
very social, kind and cheerful person with a good sense of humor. I like to
laugh and to have fun! Besides, people who laugh, live longer. Though, on
the other hand I can be very serious. I am a reliable, responsible person.
I am open to anyone and I like to help them in any hard situations.

Ahoj všetci po celom svete, som Victor podľa mena zo Chicago USA 48 rokov,
potrebujem penpals priateľov z Českej republiky a Slovenska Kamarátov zo Slovenska az celého sveta
Som veľmi rodina-orientovaný. Som všestranný človek. ja
Zbožňujem prírodu a zvieratá. Som veselý a spoločenský človek. Môžem povedať, že som
veľmi spoločenský, láskavý a veselý človek s dobrým zmyslom pre humor. mám rád
smiať sa a bavte sa! Okrem toho ľudia, ktorí smiech, žijú dlhšie. Aj keď, na
Na druhej strane môžem byť veľmi závažné. Som spoľahlivá, zodpovedná osoba.
Som otvorený pre každého, a ja som rád, aby im pomohla v akýchkoľvek ťažkých situáciách. som
čestný a úprimný.

Language pair: English; Slovak
November 17, 2016

# Msgs: 1

Slovaks / English
Hi all,

This is a long shot as I would like to improve my slovak.

I live in Slovakia for about 5 years and need to improve my communication skills and happy in return to help someone with English. I was teaching speaking English to students before I found work in Bratislava.

Please let me know if you are interested.

Thanks :-)

Language pair: English; Slovak
Haden S.
January 25, 2016

# Msgs: 1

Looking for language exchange (Hungarian -> English,German B2-C1/Slovak(native))
Hi, :)
I would like to make contact with someone, who speaks Hungarian as Their mother tongue.
I am from Slovakia + I've been studying English since I was a child. I've spent 3 years in Austria learning German, too. If you think I am the right language partner, feel free to contact me. I am really eager to learn Hungarian well.

I'm looking forward to hearing from You. ^^

Language pair: Slovak; Hungarian
February 26, 2015

# Msgs: 1

Want to introduce myself
Hey, I'm new here and I joined to help foreigners improve their Slovak. Feel free to contact me, I'm open to communicate with anyone. Well, no anyone but you know what I mean, I trust this website :)
My name is Petra, I'm 17 and I'm Slovak native speaker.

Language pair: English; Slovak
November 16, 2012

# Msgs: 1

Want to introduce myself
Hey, I'm new in here and I want to help others improve their Slovak. I'm native speaker! :)

Language pair: English; Slovak
November 16, 2012

# Msgs: 1

Hi! please send me email
Hi! I´m 17 years old and I like to practising my English and in return I will learn you Slovak, if you will want.

Language pair: Slovak; English
August 22, 2012

# Msgs: 1

Wanna learn Italian!!!
Hi there, I´m looking for someone who can help me in learning Italian- not only native speakers-
My native language is Slovak(interested in learning? ;))...also can teach you Czech as these two languages are really similiar ;)
I can fluently speak English, so there should be no problems with communication. ;)
(I can also speak german(3years) and Russian(1 year)

Language pair: Slovak; Italian
July 31, 2011

# Msgs: 1

Would like to learn Slova
I would like to learn Slovak because I would to visit the country
some day and would like to learn some of the language. In exchange would help you with English. Thank-you.

Language pair: English; Slovak
April 24, 2010

# Msgs: 1

As- salamu aleykum ! I am 19 years old girl from Slovakia (central Europe) interested in Middle East, islam and Arabic language and I would like to write with somebody who can help me with 'exploring' this fascinating world... I can´t initiate contact, so please write me if you can...

Language pair: Slovak; English
March 21, 2009

# Msgs: 1

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