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New Member - :) - Language Exchange

Category: New Member
Discussion: :)

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# Message Posted By
I'm new here and I thought I'd post a message so I'd be noticed. So, I'm a Finn wanting to learn German, Spanish and French. I can speak a bit of German already but I'm definitely not good at it.
I'm very into all sorts of music. I'm also very interested about different cultures, literature, arts and movies.
Just give me a message if you'd want me to teach you finnish (ok - I'm probably not the best teacher in the world but at least I speak finnish as my first language) and you can speak either German, Spanish or French. Oh yeah and English, of course.
(You can also add me on skype: beatless-)

Language pair: Finnish; German
February 28, 2010

Hei Sofia, minä opin suomea ja puhun jo aika hyvin saksaa. Se sopii minulle, kun kirjotamme paljon saksaksi ja vähän suomeksi. Anša

Language pair: Finnish; German
This is a reply to message # 168410
February 6, 2014


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