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Hangman Game Feedback Discussion

Dignified expression of disatisfaction
I feel a bit put out

Message by Comments
Basem K.
Msg # 91551
Rating: 5 September 28, 2008
would you please give us more explaination about some expression such as that one.

Tom B.
(native speaker)
Msg # 91657
Reply to Msg # 91551
Rating: 0 September 30, 2008
I will try but anything I come up with would have to be my speculation which wouldn't be doing anybody any favours should it prove to be completely wide of the mark.

In this case, the phrase to be "put out" is also generally used to mean "discomforted", "bothered" or "imposed upon". This could have arisen from the expression "put [possessive personal pronoun] nose out of joint", which sounds as if its origin might have been rather dramatic.

Does this help?


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