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Hangman Games by Member : tiffy j.

Short Description of tiffy j.
Native Language(s):
Filipino (Tagalog)
- Other -
Practicinig Language(s):
Chinese, Mandarin
Country: Philippines
Description: hey! i'm from the philippines..actually i only know 2 languages...english and tagalog..i want to learn korean and mandarin since i'm into taiwanese and korean movies..=) i just started to search basic words in the internet like 'ni hao ma' and 'annyong haseyo'..and i find it interesting..i want to learn more..

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tiffy j.'s most popular games:

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Title of Game Language Type Category Last Edited Rating
what do you say when youre hungry
n _g _gu _om   _ _o

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Filipino (Tagalog) Popular Expression Food / Drink May 5, 2008
9 votes

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