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Hangman Games by Member : Silvia &.

Short Description of Silvia &.
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Country: United Kingdom
Description: Hi!I'm an Italian student living in England.I'm studing French(J'ai un bon niveau,je ne parle pas tres bien me je comprende assez) and Japanese(I'm only a beginner)..i love Japan and France and would like to now more about them and about you and share stories!=)

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Silvia &.'s most popular games:

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Title of Game Language Type Category Last Edited Rating
you can say this if the place you're visiting(or where you're staying)it's small and there isn't much to do around there
Que _ _ _   _os _ _   è   _n   _ _c _

2 related games: view
Italian Popular Expression Holidays / Travel April 18, 2011
10 votes
How much does it cost ?
_u _ _to   _o _t _   ?
Italian Popular Expression Money April 18, 2011
10 votes
I catched a cold
_i   é   _ _ _u _ _   il   r _ _f _ _ _d _ _e

13 related games: view
Italian Popular Expression Body / Health / Senses April 18, 2011
17 votes

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