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Hangman Games by Member : Vanessa K.

Short Description of Vanessa K.
Native Language(s):
Practicinig Language(s):
Country: Germany
Description: Hello, I'm a university student from Germany majoring in economics and Japanese. Starting this autumn (2014), I will be living in Tokyo for 1 year and a half. Therefore I have to study Japanese a lot more. It would be a pleasure to help you with German or English in return :) 始めまして^^ 大学で日本語が二年間を勉強しましただけです。日本語がとても難しいから、ぜひ練習したいと上手になりたいと思います。スカイプ(カリリッボン)とメールがいいと思います、良かったら連絡してください^^ Please write me~ (Sorry, I'm not a Goldmember) _________________ It would also be a great to participate in a language exchange with native English speakers, please feel free to contact me :) Thank you, Vanessa

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If you drink (alkohol) with someone, you say first...
P _ _ _ _

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