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Hangman Games by Member : Rachel B.

Short Description of Rachel B.
Native Language(s):
Practicinig Language(s):
Country: United Kingdom
Description: Hi, I'm Rachel and I'm from Leicester, England. I've been studying languages with the Open University since October 2013. I'd love to be able to practice my German and French as I love speaking these languages. In my free time, I enjoy watching Disney and Harry Potter films, often in French. I love listening to the German Harry Potter audiobooks and I think this has improved my German . I'd love to meet and chat to other Harry Potter fans, in French or German. I also enjoy knitting for my family. If you'd like to chat to me, just add me 😊

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Rachel B.'s most popular games:

Click on a title to play the game. Sort games by Date 
Title of Game Language Type Category Last Edited Rating
Harry Potter participe au...
_ _ _pe   _u   _o _ _e   _e   _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
French - Other - Movies / Films August 5, 2016
1 votes
When someone says good luck
_r _ak   a   _ _ _

2 related games: view
English Proverb Emotions August 5, 2016
13 votes

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