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Hangman Games by Member : Betsa

Short Description of Betsa
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Country: United Kingdom
Description: Hi! I'm a spanish teacher and I'm spending my second year as assistant in Dollar, a little village in Scotland. As it is very small, there are not many chances to meet people and also to practice the language. I'm 27 years old, I like reading, dancing, cooking and meeting new people. I'm also trying to learn some German, but I find it very dificult!

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Title of Game Language Type Category Last Edited Rating
Cuando sales con amigos a beber cerveza...
_ _ _   _ _   _ _ _
Spanish Popular Expression Food / Drink September 9, 2008
11 votes
Si le pides algo a alguien que puedes hacer tú fácilmente, te dirá...
¡ _ _é   _ _ _ _   _ _ _ _ _s!

19 related games: view
Spanish Popular Expression Amounts / Quantities September 9, 2008
9 votes

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