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Hangman Games by Member : OMAR

Short Description of OMAR
Native Language(s):
Berber (Tamazight)
Arabic, Moroccan
Arabic, other
Practicinig Language(s):
Country: Morocco
Description: Hey ! I am Omar,36 years old. I hope to come across a friend who speaks German for i want to improve my written and spoken german ,in return i am willing to help you in Tamazight or Arabic or French as well as Englich , I love travelling so have i have been in five European countries and want to travel all over the world , I enjoy reading ,cycling , mountain climbing , camping , football , petanque, postcrossing , penpaling.... Drop me a message if you are interested in talking and chatting. I am gold member Best wishes

Click here to view complete profile or to contact OMAR.

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I love you so much
Arke _   _e _ih   _ah _a

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Berber (Tamazight) Popular Expression Emotions August 14, 2014
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