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Hangman Game Feedback

Cuando quieres que alguien haga algo de una manera pero te ha visto hacerlo de otra.
Haz lo que digo, no lo que hago
Spanish > Popular Expression > Family / Relatives

Game Summary Statistics
Average Rating 4
# of votes 14
# of Garbage Votes 1
# of Garbage Votes by native speakers 0

Individual Ratings and Comments

This list may differ from the summary statistics above because only approved ratings are shown.

Total found: 14 !
  1  2  
Reviewer Comments
Rating: 4 August 28, 2009
Instead of "Haz lo que digo, no lo que hago", in French we say "Fais ce que je dis, pas ce que je fais"
Nephthys E.
Rating: 4 August 25, 2009
Lynn C.
Rating: 4 August 23, 2009
Instead of "Haz lo que digo, no lo que hago", in English we say "Does as I say, not as I do."
Rating: 5 June 13, 2009
Total found: 14 !
  1  2  

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