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Farnham Language Exchange - Learn foreign languages in Farnham

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person Philip
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August 4, 2024
United Kingdom
Hi - my name is Philip. I live near London and I am an English native speaker; and hopefully open and easy to get on with. I am well educated, so speak close to King's English! I have been in business for most of my career, including selling one of them a few years ago. I would like to find someone that I can help with their English, in exchange for help with my German (especially conversatio... See more

person Richard
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March 5, 2024
United Kingdom
Started learning in 2020, but studying fell off. Love illustrating and memory games so I feel this language is for me. Know of a few language cafes in London, but looking for some that are more west of there. Discord: poshchap123.

person Mike
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October 7, 2022
United Kingdom
My name is Mike. I am 58 and am learning Spanish and would like to correspond with someone who wishes to learn English and is happy to help me improve my Spanish.

person Mike
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September 29, 2022
United Kingdom
Tengo 54 años de edad y trabajo como abogado en Inglaterra. Ya hablo francés razonable y disfruto aprendiendo idiomas.Espero encontrar un penpal para intercambiar correos electrónicos en cada idioma de otros para que nos podamos ayudar mutuamente a mejorar.

person ID
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August 19, 2022
United Kingdom
Hi - My name is Ian. I have a business trip planned to Japan later in the year and I need to contact a fluent/native japanese speaker to assist me make some arrangements as I have only just started to learn Japanese. I am happy to meet costs on the basis of a tutoring fee. Many thanks.

person Valerie
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April 25, 2022
United Kingdom
¡Hola! Me llamo Valerie y vivo en el sur de Inglaterra. Ahora estudio español con Duolingo y solía estudiarlo en la escuela. Me gusta ver programas en español y ahora veo La Casa Búho. También me gusta leer libros pero ahora no tengo ninguno en español. Me encanta el arte y la música y voy a estudiar arte en la universidad este año. Quiero practicar español y mejorar para que pueda estudiar o trab... See more

person Thomas
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April 19, 2022
United Kingdom
皆、今日は! 名前は、トーマスです。私は、24-さい と ドイツ人です。 六月に私は日本にいきます!:) それでは、私はもっとべんきょうする必要 があります。 日本が大好きですよ! you can text me here https://language.exchange/friend/thomas01 Hi, my name is Thomas. I'm a 24 year old student, currently studying in the UK. I love Japan, and I will travel there this summer to learn more about the culture and language. Therefore, I would like to get to know someone who can ... See more

person James
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October 10, 2021
United Kingdom
I live in a small town in Southern England, I wish to learn Spanish and learn about another culture as a bonus. I must admit my Spanish is not great 😔 I think it would be nice to practise with someone on video call eventually, since I believe that is the best way of learning the conversational side of a language. If you are interested add me on insta 'jlsibley94'

person Richard
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June 13, 2021
United Kingdom
I am currently learning French and am around a B1 level of proficiency but can read and write French much more easily than I can speak it. I am therefore keen to find a partner that I can practice speaking French with and ideally also help them with their English at the same time.

person Marcus
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May 20, 2021
United Kingdom
I teach music, am an Advocate and Dr and am learning Mandarin and Italian. I read lots and make violins.
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