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England Language Exchange - Learn foreign languages in England

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person Clarque
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September 3, 2024
United States
(New England)
My name is Clarque, and I've been a bilingual since I was in middle-school. However I don't find many opportunities to speak French. I hope to correspond with Francophone speakers to practice and regain the level of fluency I once had. (Estoy aprendiendo español en este momento… und Ich bin auch neugierig auf die Grundlagen der deutschen Sprache.) My hobbies are varied; I like history... See more

person Mark
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May 21, 2024
United States
(New England - Boston)
Arabic, Palestinian
Former academic - sociology, who still maintains interests in social issues, especially women's rights, war and peace studies, sociology of the family, etc. would like to make new friends. Looking for long term, good friends who are also academics or others interested in similar issues. Welcome English and Arabic conversation and discussion, though my Arabic is very elementary. My present... See more

person Brian
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February 7, 2021
United States
(New England)
Sign Language
Hello! I'm a native English speaker. I'm happy to help you practice your English. I'd like to practice French and American Sign Language. I used to be proficient in French, but have forgotten a lot of vocabulary and grammar due to a lack of practice. So I'd like to start re-learning that. I am brand-new to ASL, but I think it will be much easier to learn if I have a partner for... See more

person Jordan
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September 26, 2017
United States
(New England Region)
Hello! My name is Jordan, and I am 18 years old and a full-time college student. I hope to one day move to Korea as an international student or find a job. I speak fluent English and have moved all over the USA. Please feel free to reach out and chat :)

person Lita
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July 9, 2017
United States
(New England)
Persian (Farsi, Dari, Hazaragi)
Hello, My name is Lita. I'm looking for someone to practice my Italian with. I'm also interested in learning French and Farsi. I'm not a gold member.

person Cherry
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February 25, 2016
United States
Persian (Farsi, Dari, Hazaragi)
Arabic, Middle Eastern
Language learner and lover of human communication. Looking for serious language partners to help me understand, speak and write Arabic and Persian. I can help you improve your English.

person Jalissa
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September 22, 2015
United States
(New England)
Gaelic (Irish)
I want to learn many different languages in life, I've learned Japanese (though it's been awhile so I am sort of rusty), so my next one I want to learn in depth is Irish Gaelic. I want to learn as much as possible of ancient languages also. I'm 27, married woman, I enjoy mythology, world & ancient history, travel, reading, art, writing. I have many likes/hobbies. I'm a nice per... See more

person Tasha
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June 9, 2015
United States
(ENGLAND not the US)
Salut, je suis Tasha. Je vais ameliorer mon niveau de français car j'ai deja fait mes etudes et je ne veux pas perdre mon français! Je suis prof en Anglais (comme langue etrangère donc je peux vous aider avec ça - bien sûr!) Hi I'm Tasha and I'd love to keep up my French! I love travelling to France, keeping fit and watching/playing tennis! Speak to you soon!

person Hanan
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April 22, 2013
United States
Arabic, other
Arabic, other
Shhoping and socialising with friends

person Ali
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November 3, 2011
United States
hi i speak english which needs to be polished a bit more. in return i can teach u urdu,hindi or punjabi Thanks
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