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Jonesboro Language Exchange - Learn foreign languages in Jonesboro

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person Grant
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August 30, 2024
United States
Me llamo Grant y soy de los estados unidos. Soy un abogado y quiero a practicar espanol porque tengo muchos clientes hispanicos. Tambien, me gusta mucho esa idioma y cultura. Ha estudiada hace 5 anos, pero no tengo nadie a practicar conmigo.

person Shayma
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March 12, 2024
United States
Arabic, Moroccan
عمري اربعة وعشرون سنة اسمي شيماء اعيش في ولاية تينيسي

person Yasuhiro
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November 8, 2023
United States
(Jonesboro Arkansas)
I live in Arkansas in America as expats. I work for car parts company. I’m studying English. My improve points are listing and speaking grammar. Let’s exchange language and culture. , please feel free contact me.

person Tyler
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February 21, 2023
United States
My name is Tyler; I am a college student, and I am looking to improve my Spanish speaking.

person Alexandra
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February 16, 2023
United States
Since my first visit to Italy I became enchanted with the Italian language. One of my many dreams is to speak fluent Italian. I am from California, but am now a resident of Tennessee. I travel back and forth, as I have family in both states. I am a happy, kind and adventurous lady who is very easy to talk with. I plan to visit Italy in May 2023 and would love the opportunity to practice Italia... See more

person Terrell
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November 29, 2021
United States
I’m 32 years old. I learned some Spanish in high school and in college but never really had a way to apply it. There was a wave of Spanish speaking people that came through my job and reinvigorated my desire to actually learn the language.

person Mickeal
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July 29, 2021
United States
Nyanja (Chewa, Chinyanja)
I am an American English speaker. I have a teaching degree as well as a degree in history, sociology, and anthropology. I am wanting to learn to speak and understand Nyanja.

person Steve
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April 19, 2021
United States
Hello, I am a native English speaker from Arkansas in the United States. I lived in Japan in Yokosuka and Kamakura for two years while in the Navy many years ago. I learned to speak Japanese while living there, but not enough to carry on a conversation. I want to increase my level of competence so that I can have conversations with Japanese people. Also, I am very happy to help you to become the b... See more

person Seth
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January 30, 2021
United States
I was born in the United States, and have family from Cuba. unfortunately I was not taught Spanish while growing up but took Spanish in High School where I learned enough to start talking to Family members. From there I have become mostly fluent in speaking but lack grammar and writing skills. Im a Medic for the United States Army, and am pursuing my MD in college now to become a doctor and would ... See more

person Lindsay
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August 20, 2020
United States
I want to continue my study of Spanish because I feel like it opens so many doors and lets me get to know so many more people.
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