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Hangman Games by Member : margot k.

Short Description of margot k.
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Country: United States
Description: Hi, I'm Margot. I speak fluent Portuguese and English. I would like to learn Italian and Japanese from native speakers. Oi... sou a Margot. Amo as minhas amigas, sinto falta do Brasil MUITO, quero amigas brasileiras. Se quer falar comigo, eu tenho orkut. Holá! Me llamo Margarita. Yo hablo un poquito de Inglés, Español (de España), e Portugues. Yo quiero amigas para hablar en Español, y aprender la gramatica. Muchas gracias!

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I'm pissed off!
E _ _o _   _ut _!

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Portuguese Popular Expression Emotions June 13, 2007
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